Principal Investigator

María Rodríguez-Fernández
María Rodríguez-Fernández, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Researchers

PhD Students

Valeria Páez, Ph.D. Student
Thesis topic: "Vagal Tone and Cardiorespiratory Response to Chronic Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia: A Study on Workers at High Altitude"

Rayen Valdivia, Ph.D. Student
Thesis topic: "Nanocarrier Design and Optimization for Nanoparticle-Mediated Transdermal Vaccination"

Andrea Paz Marimán Marchant, Ph.D. Student
Thesis topic: "Unraveling the Impact of Microbial Interactions on Intestinal Dysbiosis via Mathematical Modeling"

M.Sc. Students

Rafael Kaempfer, M.Sc. Student

Nicolás San Martín, M.Sc. Student


Carlos Valle, Ph.D. Student
Thesis topic: "Improving Brain-to-Text Models Utilizing Recurrent Neural Networks and Transfer Learning for Neuroprosthetic Speech"

Gabriela Adriana Vargas, Ph.D. Student
Thesis topic: "Brain-self regulation learning in the neurocomputational framework of Active Inference"

Javiera Cortés
Javiera Alejandra Cortés Ríos, Ph.D.

Thesis topic: "Inclusion of the Circadian Rhythm in the Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Antihypertensive Drugs"

Martin Miranda
Martín Alexis Miranda Hurtado, Ph.D.

Thesis topic: "Non-linear analysis for the assessment of physiological oscillators interaction during orthostatic stress in healthy and reflex syncope history subjects"


Ishani Thakkar, Ph.D.
Thesis topic: "Cross Cerebro-Cerebellar Language Lateralization in Lesioned and Unlesioned Brains: a Functional and Structural Neuroimaging Study"

Diego de la Vega Pérez, M.Sc.
Thesis topic: "Personalized glucose prediction in healthy subjects and T1DM patients using deep learning methods"

Axel Nicolás Sepúlveda Olivares, M.Sc.
Thesis topic: "Emotion Recognition System Based on Wavelet Scattering of ECG and Design of Embedded Hardware for ECG Measurement"

Alexis Suárez
Alexis Adrián Suárez Pinto, M.Sc.

Thesis topic: "Circadian Phase Prediction from Non-Intrusive and Ambulatory Physiological Data"

Emilia Frésard
María Emilia Frésard Petit-Laurent, M.Sc.

Thesis topic: "Multi-Objective Optimization for Personalized Prediction of Venous Thromboembolism in Ovarian Cancer Patients"

Open Positions

We are currently offering research opportunities at the undergraduate, master, PhD and postdoctoral level. To learn more about the specifics of our research, please choose an area of interest or contact us at